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yEd via command line?

+2 votes

I cannot find a way to run an yEd session via command line, neither in yEd help....

I'd like to use a .bat (windows batch) ) to run yEd, with a excel file as input, load a "properties mapping" schema, generate a graph, then save it.

Thanks in advance for any support!
in Help by (150 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

Ssardo wrote:

I'd like to use a .bat (windows batch) ) to run yEd, with a excel file as input, load a "properties mapping" schema, generate a graph, then save it.


You are not allowed to do that. See yEd Software License Agreement, 1. LICENSE CONDITIONS:

The Software may not be used as part of an automated process.

(The license agreement is located in the yEd installation directory.)

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Ooopps...! touched..
I've missed the constraint.
No problem. Besides it being not allowed, it's also not possible to control yEd in this way.
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