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Org Chart like in video with excel import

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Is it possible to make a org chart simillar to the one from help-exaple graphs-Visual Features-node_labels_withicons with Name, position, email and some icons labels imported from excel? I have all data in rows in excel and I would like to have all information from one row to be in one node. All I can do is to make chart with only names an no other information.


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, this is possible as of yEd 3.16.

After running the Excel Import , make sure all the necessary information is available as custom properties of your nodes. Icon information has to be file names.
If you have not already done so, create a node that represents the people in your org chart. You can reuse the one from the node_labels_with_icons.graphmlz sample. However, you will have to replace the position-and-email label with two distinct labels, one for position and one for email. Create a user-defined palette section and add your node to said section.
Now create a properties mapper configuration that assign your new node template to the nodes in your org chart  maps the appropriate custom properties to the corresponding labels of your node.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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