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How can I send a group backwards? My group is hiding a non-group node.

0 votes
Thanks a lot for any suggestions! Sorry if it's already been asked - I couldn't see it.
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes

If that is the case, the non-group node has not been properly assigned as a child node of the group node. To assign the non-group node as child of the group node, use the following approach:

  1. Select the group.
  2. Move the group next to the non-group node.
  3. Select the non-group node.
  4. Press and hold SHIFT while not holding down any mouse buttons.
  5. Move the non-group node into the group node (with SHIFT held down).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
–1 vote
Select the group node.  Right-click the group node or choose Edit on the menu, then pick Lower Selection.  Repeat if necessary.
"Raise Selection" and "Lower Selection" should never be used as a substitute for proper nesting (i.e. node-to-group assignment). The only exception is essentially if you need two nodes to *partially* overlap each other.
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