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Why does a colored background hide swimlane boundaries?

0 votes
Even if a background block, intended to be used as gaphical element to group parts of the total, is several times klicked to "nach hinten" (behind), it still covers the swimlane boundaries.
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
A table or swimlane node is essentially an enhanced group node. Children of table/swimlane and group nodes are always rendered on top/before of their parent nodes.

In other words, the nesting structure takes precedence over the "Raise Selection"/"Lower Selection" actions.

If you want to use group nodes inside table/swimlane nodes but still see the table/swimlane node either set your group nodes' fill color properties to "No Color" or use the wire-frame-only group node style from the BPMN palette section.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for your answer.
I have tried it out, but failed.
Neither of the two recommendations work with my eYd version

Strange, both approaches work great for me:

Sample GraphML.

(And yes, the sample file was created in yEd

My examples:
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