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How to manage edge grouping between group nodes?

0 votes
Some children in group node 1 are connected to some children in group node 2.  These display fine when the two groups are open but when they are closed I would like just a single edge to be shown between the two groups.  Is this possible?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, this is not really possible in yEd.

The best you can do is to fake a single ege by assigning both edges the same coordinates for their bends and connection points.
Some of yEd's layout algorithms are able to do that in a semi-automatic way. The general idea is to assign both edges to the same edge group using "Tools" -> "Contraints" -> "Edge Grouping" and then run e.g. "Layout" -> "Hierarchical Layout" or "Layout" -> "Edge Routing" -> "Orthogonal/Polyline".

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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