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Dynamically changing/auto-refreshing graph

0 votes

I wish to display a graph in which the nodes would be changing continously (eg. color of the node). The change in the graph property will be done from some logic from my own python source file. From the python souce file I plan to make changes in .graphml file fields which I am able to do. Is it possible for yEd to auto-refresh/auto-reload the opened graphml file frequently to display the animated graph. Please let me know if this feature is available.

Thank you
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

No, there is not auto-refresh/auto-reload feature in yEd.

Please note that you are not allowed to use yEd as part of an automated process (see section 1. License Conditions in the yEd Software License Agreement). Since it seems like you are actually a developer, you might want to take a look at the yFiles programming libraries. If you are developing a complex application/process, yFiles is the way to go.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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