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Using Structure view to organize

0 votes
I'm probably misunderstanding how to use yEd.

I want to type out a straight forward flow, and yet the structure view seems all out of order. I want to easily reorder a process flow (in the case of stuff nested in a swimlane) but when I tried to use structure view I had a lot of problems.

Is there an "outline view" like structure view where I can easily just type out my basic flow and make edit/reorder sections without no issue?
in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's Structure View is sorted alphabetically according to your node's default label text.

That said, I have to admit that I do not understand what you mean by "type out a straight forward flow". (Maybe you could upload some screen shots that illustrate your problem.) In any case, you cannot "type out" anything in yEd, you create elements using the mouse (typically by dragging templates from the palette into the editor area). Moreover, even though you can "reorder sections" manually (again using the mouse), you are usually better off using an appropriate layout algorithm from yEd's "Layout" menu.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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