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How to attach an event to an action boundary?

0 votes
How do I actually attach a Boundary Interrupting Intermediate Event to an action in a BPMN diagram? There are no properties to set which action it should be attached to and rearranging the layout moves the event away from the action.
closed with the note: The suggested workaround is satisfying.
in Help by (260 points)
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1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

You can fake attached events by converting the event node to a label for the action node. To do that, first reassign all edges connecting to the event to the action node. Then move the event over the action. Then use "Convert to Label" from the event's context menu. Now, place the event label at the desired position and adjust the reassigned edges' source and target ports so it looks like those edges connect to the label. Finally, use "Tools" -> "Constraints" -> "Port Constraints" to fix those edges' connection points for automatic layout.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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Excellent idea. I tried that and it seems to work beyond expectations. Thank you very much, Thomas.
Converting the event note to a label of an edge works better for me:
1.    Create an attached event node.
2.    Place it with the center handles exactly over the edge.
3.    Open the context menu of the event node and select convert to label.
4.    Check if the label is attached to the edge by selection the edge.
5.    Select the label und choose Free as position property.
6.    Move the label to the source of the edge.
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