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Can't modify attributes in a UML class diagram

+1 vote
I open the example class diagram and try to edit the attributes or methods, but any changes I make to the multi-line text just gets discarded. So, I can't make any changes to either attributes or methods.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Open "Help" -> "Example Graphs" -> "UML" -> "classdiagram1.graphmlz".
  2. Select one of the nodes.
  3. Press F6.
  4. Switch to tab "UML".
  5. Modify the text values in "Attributes" and/or "Methods" as required.
  6. Click "Ok".
  7. Use "File" -> "Save As" to save your changed diagram.

Steps 3 to 5 may also be done in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner instead of in the properties dialog.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Sorry, it isn't that I don't know how to do this, but rather that it doesn't work. I have been doing exactly what you suggest (both ways), but neither result in the attributes being updated - it just discards my changes.
yEd v3.15.0.2 Java v1.8.0_91

I did run the above procedure with yEd and Java 1.8.0_92 on Ubuntu 16.04 and had no problems.

What did you try to change? Did you try to append something to "Methods"? In that  case you might have to manually enlarge the modified node. If the node is too small to contain all the text, the surplus text is simply clipped.

I've tried adding to the attributes and seeing if node needs expanding. I've tried deleting existing attributes and modifying them. But, everything I try has no effect. I press the OK button (or apply) and then the values are reset back to what they were. I am using Windows 10.
Does that only happen with nodes from the example graph or does that also happen with new nodes from the "UML" palette section?
This happens for me with class nodes that I put in any diagrams. I have a similar issue with the UML case oval node. I can edit the label by double-clicking it and typing, but if I edit the label via the Text part of properties, then the changes are discarded every time.
Similarly I can edit the name of a class node by double-clicking, but I can't edit it by changing in the properties, any edits I make there are discarded.

Are your UML nodes by chance in a table node? If so, maybe you have stumbled upon the problem described in is losing your edits in a dialog boxes a bug? If not, would it be possible for you to upload a sample GraphML file with UML nodes (see How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for instructions on uploading files) as well as the settings.xml file from your yEd profile directory (see "Help" -> "About" for the profile directory location)? Maybe the problem is triggered by a combination of diagram elements and settings.

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