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Expand Collapse Feature for a Graph and NOT a Tree (Graph2D) structure.

0 votes
I am trying use exisitng  Expand collapse feature associated with a TREE ( Graph2D ), to present the same Expand collpase features in a Directed Cyclic Graph.
The yFiles Methods(): =  1) getNodeArray() 2)createEdge()   3)getEdgeArray() which are part of Graph2D( that support Tree Like Structure ).
Problem : CreateEdge() DOES NOT support creating Edge with Nodes that already exist in the Yfiles getNodeArray().
what changes would you recomend to Support these feature for a Graph.

To demonstracte my evaluation, here is code snippet.
------START CODE-------
        Iterator relationIterator = sortedMap.keySet().iterator();

         * The Following Code Creates a Graph structure based on
         * the TreeMap<String, List>(parentChildMap);
         * 1 [2, 3, 4]
         * 2 [3, 4]
         * 3 [4]
         * 4 []
         *  while keeping the "key" as the Root Node, will create Child Nodes bases on the elements in the "List"
         *  While repeating this Processes, the Code also looks for Nodes that have already been create.
         *  Hence if a Node already exist within a  YFiles getNodeArray(). then a new node will NOT be create BUT
         *  a CreateEdge() Method will be called between the two already exiting Nodes will be called.

        while (relationIterator.hasNext()) {

            String key = relationIterator.next().toString();

            Node company = null;
            NodeRealizer companyRealizer = null;
            // set the label of this node

            for (int docIdParent = 0; docIdParent < relatedDocList.size(); docIdParent++) {
                if (relatedDocList.get(docIdParent).getId().equals(key)) {
                    String parentRelation = relatedDocList.get(docIdParent)

                    if (graph.getNodeArray().length > 1) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < graph.getNodeArray().length; k++) {
                            if (graph.getNodeArray()[k].toString().equals(
                                    parentRelation)) {
                                company = graph.getNodeArray()[k];
                    } else {
                        // start block - ROOT
                        company = graph.createNode();
                        companyRealizer = graph.getRealizer(company);
                        companyRealizer.setFillColor(new Color(255, 102, 51));
                        // end block

            childList = sortedMap.get(key);
            boolean flag = true;
            // Create child Nodes

            for (int j = 0; j < childList.size(); j++) {
                for (int docIdChildren = 0; docIdChildren < relatedDocList
                        .size(); docIdChildren++) {

                    if (childList.get(j).equals(
                            relatedDocList.get(docIdChildren).getId())) {
                        String childNodeName = relatedDocList
                        Node docNo = null;
                        NodeRealizer realizer = null;

                        for (int k = 0; k < graph.getNodeArray().length; k++) {
                            if (graph.getNodeArray()[k].toString().equals(
                                    childNodeName)) {
                                docNo = graph.getNodeArray()[k];
                                graph.createEdge(company, docNo);
                                flag = false;
                        if (flag) {
                            // start Block - child
                            docNo = graph.createNode();
                            realizer = graph.getRealizer(docNo);
                            // set the label of this node

                            // System.out.println("nodeName :"+childNodeName);
                            // some style customization
                            realizer.setFillColor(new Color(255, 204, 51));
                            // end Block - child
                            graph.createEdge(company, docNo);
------END   CODE-------

For the Approach Needed :
I have seen lazyloading using GraphML. PLease Dont direct me towards that solution.
I am looking for changes in the Datastructure, ( during Runtime ) that support the states or such kind of events.
in Help by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This seems to be a question related to yFiles for Java. Please note that this forum is for questions relating to the yEd graph editor application only.

Please send your question to the yFiles for Java support address that you can find in the README.html in the yFiles for Java installation directory.
by [yWorks] (23.7k points)
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