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How can we help yEd ?

0 votes
How can we help the yEd project (i.e. yWorks)?

I have very little money but I would like to donate something small - say $10 -  to encourage them. Is there any mechanism to do this?

I think yEd is really excellent tool, and I would like to see it gain better traction.  In my opinion, all that holds it back is that the user interface is has a slight learning curve. It's fine once you get used to it, but for new/mainstream users it remains slightly more clunky that necessary.  

in Help by (810 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

We are currently not accepting donations (see [1]) . But, if you have a nice diagram that you have created with yEd, you could submit that for inclusion in the yEd gallery (see [2],[3]). And if we choose to include it in the gallery, you can even get a free yEd T-shirt.

[1] yEd is so awesome! -- How can I donate?
[2] yEd Gallery
[3] yEd Diagram Contributions

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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