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Will Visio .vsd files ever be importable

0 votes
possible letdown to use yEd if not
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1 Answer

+6 votes

yEd has already support for importing Visio symbols from the current .vsx format, and there is a feature request for the importing of whole Visio documents.

If you want to know if there will be support for the old Visio .vsd format in contrast to the current .vsx format, then the answer is: no, it's almost certain that there will never be support for the .vsd format. Can you please explain why this old format is important to you?

Edit: One of the comments below suggests to use a free service by ConceptDraw to convert vsd to vsx: http://helpdesk.conceptdraw.com/docs/how_to_convert.php?a=33#33

by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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IMHO, digital obsolescence is not an argument for yEd supporting any obsolete format but for converting documents into more future-proof versions.
Quite likely this is not the reason the original person has, but... I have lots of old visio files, but I've not used Visio for many years... and I would like to import some of my old files without buying a new version of Visio just to do the conversions... but I accept that this is not a reason to develop the facility - any ideas of how to convert to new format for free?
Sorry, I'm not aware of any free tool for converting from vsd to vsx.
Here's a free service provided by people at ConceptDraw to convert vsd (old format) to vsx (the xml format)...

As far as I understand, their recommendation for converting vsd to vsx is to do it in Visio.
No, you send them an email with your visio vsd files attached (compressed folders if you have lots) and a mail comes back automagically converted into vsx - but it is not perfect.

the email address is: visiocnvrtr@csodessa.com

You can then import them into yEd and edit away!

But sure, if you have a copy of Visio you can use that too for $mega - so thanks for yEd!
Ok, I see. Thanks for pointing this out.
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