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Is rapid entry of text boxes possible using just the keyboard?

0 votes


Is there any way to enter a number of text boxes (i.e. Nodes) one after the other using just the keyboard? (i.e. without using the mouse!)

e.g. Have a look at the way (popular but achingly simple) "Scapple" application does this using "Command/Return" (or just control/Enter in windows) to create a stack of nodes underneath each other:

Is anything like this possible in yEd?

Alternatively if you just hit Enter in Scapple on it's own, it will insert a new text box below the current one, but this time indenting it by about 200 pixels to the right.

I know that working with text isnt isn't really what yEd was designed (!) for but despite its remarkably simplicity Scapple is a remarkably useful tool for simply arranging one's thoughts, but without having the hierachical rigidity of mind maps. And it does all this with a few such tweaks to the usability of the user interface.

(Fwiw, Scapple has quite a strong following for authors and even though the developers of Scapple have abandoned future developments since 2013 they still manage to charge users 11.45 GBP per copy for their very first version!  i.e. v1.0.0.0. Personally I choose not to pay money for software for which all development appears to have ceased... but you do have to admit that it's an amazing acheivement! )


in Help by (810 points)
edited by

1 Answer

+1 vote
  1. Create one node with the mouse as usual.
  2. Select said node.
  3. Use CTRL+C then CTRL+V to copy and paste the original node.
  4. Type F2 and enter some text.
  5. Rinse and repeat.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks - very nearly what I want.

My slight problem is that the boxes are:
A) Overlapping each other
B) I would prefer them to arrive stacked vertically below each other (and not at 45 degrees down and to the left)

Is there any way to do this?
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