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How to open/close a group from the structure view?

0 votes

I move the canvas to a second monitor and leave all the context views in the first one so that I could control every object and go all around every corner of the canvas directly from the structure view. I just want to navigate without the need to move the mouse pointer to the second screen. I can do most of these except opening and closing a group. I would like to be able to open and close a group in the same way as I can by a click on the +/- sign on the upper left corner of the group. I think that this can technically be accomplished by Ctrl+click or Alt+click on the group name/description on the structure view. I just don't see a real need to be forced to go to the canvas on the other monitor to do this. Is there a way to get the desired functionality?
in Help by (290 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Select the deswired group in the structure view. Use CTRL+ALT+S to close the group and CTRL+ALT+O to open the group depending on its state.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I have tried per your instruction. It works. Thanks.

Now, for those users like me that rely on the mouse for almost every interaction, will you please add that command on the context menu (right.click) of the structure view. I see that there are only three options there: Focus node, edit and properties (enough room to add more I think) unless there is a technical limitation. Adding this will undoubtedly provide better flexibility, especially when navigating and going deeply inside pretty large diagrams. I see that the structure view, as it is now, could be enhanced to its full potential.
An additional suggestion in view of the point we already addressed:

It would be good to add a functionality to yEd, in addition to the one discussed above, that would make it easy for the user while on the outline pane (structure view), to be able to go back to the previous view with the mouse in addition to doing this with shortcuts (Alt+ Page Up).

I find that the context menu on the outline view is scarcely populated and there is also room to add commands there.
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