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Tree diagramm collapsible

0 votes


I'm looking for a tool in which it is possible to generate a tree diagramm. In itself nothing unusual, but the node should be collapsible. In addition, I want to build the content of the diagram with data of a table and also export the content of the diagram to the table. (Import / Export). It looks pretty simple, but I didn't find a tool which fullfil this requirements. I need it to display a Bill of Material for Example (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB9U2xPMINs)


closed with the note: Not a yEd question.
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1 Answer

0 votes

If you are a software developer, try one of the yFiles programming libraries. (E.g. yFiles' Collapsible Tree Demo is probably fairly close to what you need. The yFiles libraries may be evaluated free-of-charge.)

by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks a lot for the answer. I'm not a software developer. This feature is not available in the yED Graphic Editor?
No, unfortunately not. It is not available because it makes only sense for very specific use cases and very specific structures (i.e. trees). yEd, on the other hand, is a general purpose diagram/graph editor application and thus not suited for this functionality.
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