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Please explain what you mean by that.

By the way, all caps is considered to be very rude in forums. Please use proper casing.
Sorry for caps not sure how that happened.
I need to write quite a lot of text relating to a particular node. Each node represents a person with duties in an organisation and i want to explain to that person the scope of his duties.
Thank you very much for explaining your use case.

Are you maybe looking for yEd's multi-line text editor? If so, select the node for which you want to add text, go to the properties table in yEd's lower right corner, click into the "Text" value field, and finally click the little "..." button on the right side of the value field.
Many thanks for offering this solution.
However, this text facility shows up on the node, which will make the node rather large once 300 words have been used. I was hoping for a separate notepad that linked to that node?
Use the node's "Description" property, the text will then be displayed as the node's tool tip text. If you do not want a tool tip, use a custom property of type "Text" instead (see "Edit" -> "Manage Custom Properties").
Thank you very much for a wonderful tool, success to you and your team.

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