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Is it possible to colour a part of a circle (intersecting part between two circles)

0 votes
As in the question: can I colour teh intersecting part between two (or more) circles? Alternatively: can I draw an arrow wghich goes inside the intersection? Now I can only let it come to the edge, not inside.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, neither of the above are directly supported.

Two possible workarounds come to mind, though:

  1. Use semi-transparent colors for your circles. See "Help" -> "Example Graphs" -> "Visual Features" -> "venn_diagram_ps3.graphmlz" for an example of this approach.
  2. Create a small (1-by-1 pixel) node, connect your edge to said helper node and move the helper node into the intersection of your two circles.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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