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How to change the background color of selected nodes and groups

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Hi: New in this forum and enjoying yEd. I have just joint this community thinking that this is the best way to get help and contribute, so here's my case:

I select a node or a group and it changes it's background color automatically and gets surrounded by small black squared dots. Is there a way to tell yEd to use a different color as background of the selected object other than the default one. Please note: I am not talking about the background color of the canvas. I also use yEd as a presentation tool and I have setup a specific arrangement of it's windows layout aimed at this purpose, so for me the visual impression of my audience is important. I find that the background color of and object when it gets selected is not aesthetically pleasant.

Any hint?

in Help by (290 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change the way yEd visualizes the "selected" state.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for your fast response. But more on this: If that is the case would you please grant a little bit of attention to this as a feature request.

Here's the motivation:
Considering there is currently no presentation functionality integrated in yEd; and taking into account that aesthetics, when it comes to projecting an elaborated diagram where printing is not practical is pretty important; that what is presented on screen marks the difference especially when the idea is the projection for the audience. I have realized that since their conception, the vast majority of diagramming applications are thought out to be used for the creation of graphical representations mainly to be used in the form of printed material. I have not found a diagramming software with the amount of flexibility that yEd provides for the user to that purpose. For some reasons, however, probably technical ones, the power on that flexibility goes against some aspects when it comes to its GUI; in this case the representation of selected objects. I would really like an enhancement in this area.

Please consider this as a feature request. Thanks.
What kind of visualization for the selected state of objects do you propose that works for all purposes and all audiences?
Thanks for your reply. Here's my proposal: Is it possible that instead of coloring the selected object with a different, normally darker, tenebrous, and obscure color that sometimes hinders the visibility of text and some other visual details, that instead of that the user had the option in File | Preference to choose a transparency effect? I had no problems with the little black boxes that surround the object. I even prefer them and even suffice to signal that an object has been selected. Any hope?
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