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Groups and Nodes

0 votes
I am new to yED and I need help creating my own nodes or shapes. I thought I could use groups to do this, like in Word. But when I try to use the automatic layout feature, my groups become a disaster. This obviously isn't how groups are intended to be used. I'm having trouble understanding them because it seems hard to manipulate them as a single object and I expected them to behave as a single object.
How can I create custom nodes or shapes?


in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, you can customize exisiting node templates using labels (see e.g. "Help" -> "Example Graphs" -> "Visual Features" -> "node_labels_with_icons.graphmlz"). Alternatively, you can import images (JPG or PNG) or vector graphics (SVG) to represent custom shapes. See How can I use my own node symbols in yEd? for documentation on how to import images/vector graphics.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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