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How do I make UML tab of Properties appear for Class node

0 votes
In version yEd 3.14.4 after I create a Class node from the UML section of the palette, and then try to add attributes and methods to the node by selecting it and pressing F6, I see a Shape tab instead of the expected UML tab?

My fundamental question is: how do I add attributes and methods to a UML Class node?
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
In the "Properties" Dialog opened via function key F6 for a Class node type from the "UML" palette section, the last tab should be named "UML", not "Shape". Maybe you have accidentally selected the wrong node or have changed the type of your Class node?

Anyway, on the "UML" tab you can specify the names of your class's attributes and methods. To change your Class node back to node type Class (in case you accidentally have changed its type earlier): select it, then right-click the Class node template in the "UML" palette section and choose from the context menu "Apply Type".
by [yWorks] (23.7k points)
Yes, the node turned out to not be a Class node, as you suggested, and your procedure above fixed the problem.

Is there a way to determine the type of node already present in a graph?

Thank you for the quick response, and such a lovely tool.
To determine whether a specific type of node is present in a diagram, the "Current Elements" palette section lends itself pretty well. It lists the distinct node types in a diagram and additionally allows you to select all occurrences of a specific node type (via context menu).
Thank you once again, and the more I use this tool, the more I'm loving it.
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