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blackbox pool edges move when resizing

0 votes
hello and so many thanks for this most versatile piece of software.

I am making bpmn workflows and would need to connect nodes from a swimlane to a blackbox pool. However, every time I resize this pool, all edges become slanted in the resizing direction.

Is is possible to resize but to maintain the old edge positions?

applying the bpmn auto-layout does (to me) incomprehensible things to this graph.

(does applying the bpmn layout change the endpoint of the edges to the center of the pool instead of its border?)

in Help by (170 points)

1 Answer

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Is is possible to resize but to maintain the old edge positions?

Well, sort of. If you resize a node by specifying the desired width or height in yEd's properties view or properties dialog, the edge positions are not changed.



Applying the bpmn auto-layout does (to me) incomprehensible things to this graph.

Unfortunately, the BPMN layout algorithm cannot handle message flows that connect to pool nodes.



Does applying the bpmn layout change the endpoint of the edges to the center of the pool instead of its border?



by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
What I meant with "change the endpoint of the edges to the center of the pool" is this: when I have message flow edges connecting a task in one pool to a "blackbox pool" and I apply the bpmn layout algorithm (also if I apply it to some other edges only) the points that were connecting to the pool border move to the center of the pool.
example before and after:


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