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Display problem while Exporting the BPMN diagram into .eps

0 votes


Whenever, I export the BPMN diagram into .eps format, I have been facing the following problems.

1) The artifacats such as loop, parallel instance or time symbol assigned to any task or subprocess appears to be a total dark in the exported .eps format

2) However, if I export the model in .png or .pdf, the appearence is good with a trade-off of image resoultion.

Please let me know how can I get a clear appearence of a BPMN diagram while exporting it into .eps format

-- Gelli
in Help by
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

FreeHEP VectorGraphics, the library yEd uses for exporting to EPS and PDF, does not support EPS as well as PDF. Especially (semi-) transparent colors are not supported for EPS. Unfortunately, there is not much development going on for FreeHEP VectorGraphics. In short, export to PDF or SVG for best results.

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by [yWorks] (162k points)
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