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How to change all edge labels, font size etc in Properties Mapper?

0 votes
I am using yEd to create a design pattern language. I have used Properties Mapper to define default symbols, colors, and line types to nodes and edges of the patterns, respectively. So far, so good. What I can't figure out is how to assign that all edge labels should be in italics and/or have a different font size, so as to clearly distinguish them from the node labels to which they are often closely positioned in the graphs. I checked the documentation, but can't find the answer. Many thans for your help!
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" to select all edge labels. (You need to have option "Use These Criteria" enabled on tab "Edge Label" and only on that tab as well as option "Select" set to value "All".) Then use yEd's properties view in the lower right corner to modify settings for all selected labels at once.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Many thanks!
How exactly do I modify the edge label color?
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