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Is it possible just to write text nearby the shapes or arrows?

0 votes
I'm looking for a possibillity to add plain text tot the graphic. Need to make a DataFlowDiagram that requiers a word nearby every arrow I draw between the process steps.
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1 Answer

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I am assuming you are referring to edge labels. Select the label you want to place close to the source or target node. If you are using "Placement" policy "SmartFree" simply drag the selected label to the desired location. Otherwise, choose a policy that supports the desired location. E.g. policy "6 Pos" support "Source Head", "Source Tail", "Target Head", and "Target Tail" (in this context "Head" means to the left of the edge when facing in edge direction and "Tail" means to the right of the edge when facing in edge direction).
by [yWorks] (162k points)
how do i use placement policy "SmartFree"?

If you create an edge label, "SmartFree" is the default placement policy.
If you have an existing edge label, that does not already use "SmartFree", select the label, press F6, and choose "SmartFree" from the "Model" drop-down list that belongs to setting "Placement".

Alternatively, use the properties view in yEd's lower right corner to change the selected label's "Placement".

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