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yEd not recognizing fonts when switching from MacOS to Windows / switching the OS (operating system)

0 votes


yEd is displaying (and internally using) different font-family name on Windows and MacOS. Thus files created on MacOS do not show the right font on a Windows system.


I am using `yEd` with the LM (Latin Modern) fonts from: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/latin-modern/download

So far, so good. Here comes the tricky part:
Recently I started switching between my MacOS and my Windows 7 computer. My graphs loose their LM font, when I move them to the Windows computer (cannot try it the other way, because I dont have access to the Mac till 2016). But the fonts are installed on both systems.

On MacOS in yEd they show up as "Latin Modern ..."

On Windows in SystemConfig they show up as "Latin Modern ..."
On Windows in yEd they show up as "LM ..."

`yEd` shows a different `font family` on Windows than on MacOS, thus I think it is a Java / `yEd` problem. And because of this, yEd is not able to show the graphs using the correct fonts.

May be related / helpful:

I hope there is an easy solution for that, since I have to select and change the font for every single item one by one, since yEd does not allow me to select all objects and set the font globally.


Windows system config:
windows system configuration font-family / font names

yEd showing wrong font-family on Windows 7 x64,   JRE 1.8.0_66  32bit (latest version as of 2015-12-25):
yEd showing wrong font-family / font name on Windows7 x64, JRE 1.8.0_66 (latest as of 2015-12-25)

in Help by (120 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

yEd relies completely on Java for retrieving font related information. Moreover, font support is inherently operating system dependent and known to be one of Java's weaker points. In short, I do not think font handling can be improved in yEd.

That said, your "yEd does not allow me to select all objects and set the font globally" is not entirely correct. It is possible to select all node labels or all edge labels at once and set the font for all selected labels at the same time. There are two ways to select e.g. all node labels:

  1. Select one node label with the mouse (e.g. using CTRL+click), then use CTRL+A to expand the selection to all node labels.
  2. Use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" with "Use These Criteria" enabled on tab "Node Labels only and "All" chosen for option "Select".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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