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Insets destroyed by one click layout

0 votes


When I click on "one click layout" and I have objects with Insets set to "15 15 20 15", the insets afterwards are set to "307 15 0 15", which destroys the look of the label.

Interstingly this happens not only to the nodes in the document, but also to the elements of my custom palette.

My yEd version is: 3.14.4

Java Version 1.8.0_60 (Oracle, 64Bit) on ubuntu 64bit.

Here is my graph.

Here after the layout.



related to an answer for: Insets destroyed by one click layout
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1 Answer

0 votes

Thank you very much for the GraphML files. I take it the problem is the label of the blue mobile phone like node, right? We will investigate that.

By the way, next time please either edit your original post or answer in the original thread to your original post instead of creating a new post.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
Sorry for the double post. Yes, the Smartphone node is the problem.
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