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select all nodes in all folders/groups

0 votes
Is there a way to select all nodes and/or edges and/or labels in all folders/groups and subfolders/subgroups without opening all the groups? If not, is there aa way to open and close all groups at once (without resetting the size of all the parent folders/groups)? Asked another way maybe, does a node/edge/label have to be visible to be selected?
in Help by (470 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Well, "Tools" -> "Select Elements" offers the option to select all child nodes of selected nodes. Additionally, said tool also offers the option to select labels of selected nodes. This means it should be possible to select the labels of child nodes by running the tool twice with appropriate settings.

However, "Select Elements" will never select elements in folder nodes.

Moreover, I do not think there features in yEd that take selected elements in folder nodes into account.

Can you explain what you are actually trying to do (i.e. why you would like to select elements in folders)? Maybe there is a better way than trying to work with the elements in folders.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for your answer. I'm afraid my use of yEd is well outside the intention of its design. I am prototyping an app that will ultimately need to be implemented in yFiles. Thanks again.
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