First, thanks for your prompt reply. I appreciate it! Yes, for some reason I didn't use the TGF format. That was MUCH MUCH MUCH better, but not perfect for the reasons stated below. .... I am using yED for an unusual application (and am a rookie user). I am modeling a problematic cause and effect situation. I use about 6 different types of "nodes" in my custom pallette. Some of my diagrams may have 150 nodes by the time it is done. (which is why I love your 1 click layout) What I would LOVE to be able to do quickly is extract a list of the text in each type of node, grouped somehow for each node type. So of the 150 nodes, 20 nodes are hexagon nodes and 15 are squares, 23 triangles, etc. I'd like to be able to quickly have them sorted in some form of text file so I can bring them into an Excel document so I can do some further manipulation with each type of node text. I don't want to have to manually sort each node text into its category (Hex, Square, triangle, etc.) Hope that makes sense. Also, I am a simple person that never heard of XML, TGF, or XSLT. I would love to do a screenshare with you (GoToMeeting) if that is possible and I can show you how I use it. If not, this dialog works well too. Thanks again!! Your software is awesome!!