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Electrical and plumbing libraries

0 votes
I'd like to use yEd to generate some simple electrical and plumbing diagrams, but cannot find a library of basic symbols (resistors, capacitors, supplies etc. for electrical, pumps, valves, pistons, etc for plumbing). Do these exist, and if so, how do I add them?
in Help by
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I would also like to use this for electrical design. I wonder whether you can import libraries from other software packages.
If these "libraries from other software" consist of JPG, PNG, or SVG files, then yes.

1 Answer

0 votes

How can I use my own node symbols in yEd? explains how to import symbols into yEd.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Yes, I know, but creating a custom library is a lot of work. Am I the only one who might like to use yard for this? If not, then it sure would be nice to have symbol libraries that others could use.
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