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Can I Map an Excel Column to the Description Field in yEd?

0 votes
In my Excel file, I have a column labeled "Comment" that I would like represented in yEd as a tooltip. I understand that the Description field in yEd displays as a tooltip, but I don't see how to map imported data from Excel to the Description field. I did have the Comment field mapped to Tooltip in the Properties Mapper, but this didn't do anything that I could figure out. Am I missing something? Is it possible to do what I am trying to do? Thanks.
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Actually, using the properties mapper to map your "Comment" property to "Tooltip" is the right way to go. You can even do so in one go:
1. Create a text property for nodes named "Comment".
2. Create a node configuration in the properties mapper that maps "Comment" to "Tooltip".
3. Import your spreadsheet data with option "Configuration" on tab "Presentation" set to the name of the configuration you created in the properties mapper.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
So I still must be missing something...
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