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Inserting special characters in text field makes graphml file unreadable for yEd

0 votes
I was copying text (including e.g. bullet points) from a pdf file into the data->Description field of a node. Although these special characters looked funny, yEd had no problems with this. After saving and quiting yEd I tried to re-open the file, but then an error occured with an obscure java/xml/sax(?) explanation.

Since I suspected the copied text from the pdf file, I edited the graphml file to remove the special characters. Then I could reopen the file in yEd.

It is an error that I can insert characters in a text field in yEd that makes the graphml file unreadable for yEd.
in Help by (660 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for reporting this error. We can reproduce the problem and will fix it in the next release (after yEd 3.9.1).

Unfortunately, we have no work-around for this except correcting the text content manually, of course.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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