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How to add colour to nodes based on column in edge list?

+1 vote
I have an edge list table with Source ID, Sourcetype, Target ID and Targettype, where

the source/target types are A, B, C and D

How do i set yEd up so that i gives each node a colour based upone the types?
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

You need to combine the edge list with a node list. This node list needs to have an ID column whose values match the values use for Source ID and Target ID in the edge list. Additionally, the node list needs a Type column with the appropriate A,B,C,D types. After importing your spreadsheet, go to "Edit" -> "Properties Mapper" and create a node configuration that sets the node's fill colour depending on the node's type. Detailed information on yEd's properties mapper is available in the yEd manual.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Could you elaborate using a concrete example, explaining exactly how each item is entered into the Excel Import window? Say, if you have a source node column Actor, and a target node column Movie, how do I make it such that once the graph is processed, all the Actor nodes appear red and all the Movie nodes appear green?
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