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How can I insert a table similar to excel?

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in Help by
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2 Answers

0 votes
Have you already tried one of the templates in yEd's "Swimlane Nodes and Table Nodes" palette section?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
If you use a Swimlane/table node you can put in several labels, to suit your data. This is not simple however. You need to
1./ Right click the table node, then select add label. Enter some text. You can edit it later.

2./ With the label selected go to the Edit menu -> Convert Label to Node. Then you can place the text where you need it.

3./ Select all your text nodes, right click (or Edit menu) and raise them above the background so you can see them.

4./ Select all the text nodes again and align them suitably.

5./ Select them again and group them including the table node so that you can move them as one unit if you need to.

It surely could be easier and I would think that would be useful to many users.
Uh, that is quite a complicated way to add text to a table. Why not simply add multiple labels (using the context menu) or drag new (text) nodes from the palette?
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