1. Is there a special form to make a new feature request? I tried clicking "Feature Requests" tab but can not see how to add a new request.
2. While I am here I have suggestion:
It is insufficiently obvious to new non-academic/business users what "Node" and "Edge" mean.
My understanding is that in normal diagram building speak "Node" really means "Shape" and "Edge" really means "arrow" or "line" or "connector", yes?
Rather than change your entire interace & documentation wording (!), a simple, low cost solution would be to explain the jargon by example. My suggestion would be that when you right-click on an object, that the popup window needs to have title row that tells the user what type of thing the object that they have selected actually is. (i.e. Edge or Node).
So it might simply say:
"Edge dialog"
(or "dialogue" if you are feeling anglophilic?!). This should appear when you right-clicking on a connector/arrow. Likewise it might say "Node dialog" if rick-clicking on a shape.
WARNING: I fully expect that this will not get much support from your existing userbase, because it is of no use to them personally. HOWEVER this will be extremely helpful to any new users who are not from Computer Science backgrounds and for this reason would dramatically help your conversion rates of new visitors to long-term users. And therefore be good for your business.
Moreover, it would not interfere with anything else and would be extremely trivial to implement.
You may not like this but to be honest, if I had my way this is the full text I would use:
Line ("edge") dialog
With fresh eyes... trying to help.