Suggestion: Is there a good reason why the text on arrows/connectors:
A) is not centered
Surely in most settings tThis would make the text easier to read... particularly for "Yes" "No" on flow diagrams /BPMN diagrams etc
B) does not have have a white background ?
Surely the majority of diagrams are on a white background
In order to minimise the learning curve for new users of yEd, extremely careful thought needs to be applied to default settings. And as a new user of yEd, and having looked at a number of alternative ways of generating flow diagrams, I like to think I have a fresh pair of eyes that should be valuable around here.
In short I have the eyes of the Mainstream user rather than the eyes of the Early Adopter!
Trying to help
P.S. For clarificaction, what I mean is:
Mainstream User psychological profile:
"My time is valuable: want things to work, save me time and be obvious.")
Early Adopter profile:
"I like trying out new things. I am plugged in and know all the latest stuff. I tolerate complexity and even bugs, so long as it's new and interesting technology..."