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Palletes import on a mac

0 votes


I installed yEd on my mac.

I want to download & import more palettes from that link:


But the mac wants .graphhml extension, and when I download the file it ends with .graphhmlz.

I tried to remove the "z" from the extension but no luck.

What is the correct way to do that on a mac?



in Help by

1 Answer

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The entries in the yEd Gallery are not palette files but saved diagrams. Use "File" -> "Open" and choose either "GraphML (Compressed) (*.graphmlz)" or "All Graph Files (*.graphml, *.graphmlz, ...)" as "File Format" to open *.graphmlz files.

If you want to re-use elements used in the sample files from the yEd Gallery, create a user-defined palette section, right-click the element(s) you want to re-use, and choose "Add to Palette" from the context menu.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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