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Does yEd create a temporary file of opening file ?

0 votes

I'm working on yEd graph editor file from a week with many graph inside. I didn't back up it anywhere.

Today, i continue my work. When i try to save it, yEd show message error Java heap space. The big problem is yEd replace my file by a new file with 0 bytes inside. It means that i lost all my work.

Can you tell me that it creates a temporary file somewhere in my computer so i can get back my work ?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
When saving, yEd does write everything to a temporary file, then replaces the original file with the temporary file.

Unfortunately, your description indicates that the final replacement step for some reason. I am afraid in this case your work is gone.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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