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Unable to expand flowchart for some entities

0 votes

Hey Folks,

I was trying to open .GraphML file, its about 3.5MB.

I am unable to expand flowchart for some entities,

is there any settings for this to enable in yEd to show unlimited nodes.


Thanks in Advance





Attaching Screenshots regarding issue.




in Help by (130 points)
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What do you mean with "expand flowchart for some entities"?

By the way - this is a moderated forum. Posts of new members do not show up immediately but have to be approved by a moderator first. This is done to prevent the forum from being flooded by spam.

For some tree structure entities flowchart diagram not showing on screen.

I am afraid that "for some tree structure entities flowchart diagram not showing on screen" is way too generic for me to understand your problem. Please explain in detail how you expect yEd to behave as well as how yEd actually behaves. If possible, include screenshots and sample GraphML files that illustrate the problem.

See How to upload files to yEd Q&A? for information on how to include resources in posts/answers. Please note, that the forum only accepts files up to 1MB in size. Consequently, you need to compress bigger files for upload (e.g. by putting them in a zip archive).

i have attached the screenshots on my question itself(Bcz don't have option to upload on reply).
i am unable to upload .GraphML file
Can i upload this file in .zip format?
Yes, see the second paragraph in my previous comment.
Now uploaded the GraphML file also.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Thank you very much for your screenshots.

Your screenshots show yEd's neighborhood view. By default, that view will only show up to 50 nodes and 100 edges. (The same is true for the other context views.) You can adjust the upper limit of elements to display in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Display" settings "Maximum Number of Nodes in Context Views" and "Maximum Number of Edges in Context Views".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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Thanks Thomas my issue solved.
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