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Top-down tree layout with sub-branches also top-down

0 votes

Is it possible to plot a tree diagram where all entries are graphed top-down, not just the entries on the same 'level', as in the attached figure?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes. Try "Layout" -> "Tree" -> "Directed" with default settings except for "Layout Style" on tab "General" set to "Horizontal-Vertical". After the layout calculation has finished, use "Tools" -> "Geometric Transformation" to rotate your diagram by +/-90 degress as desired.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Hi Thomas. That does yield the exact result I am looking for. I have in fact tried it before. As in this (https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcz8zy5otpgw7vo/unnamed0.jpg?dl=0) figure you see that the last level entries are still next to each other, not vertically placed.
Seems like I misunderstood what you want to achieve. For an arrangement like in your sample but with the last level placed vertically, use default settings except "Child Placement Policy" on tab "Directed" set to "Leaves Stacked".
Ah yea, that looks better! Thanks!
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