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Main class file not indicated in "Java tool" download.

0 votes
While trying yEd, I opted for the "Java" version, as I already have a java installed.

Sure enough, it contains a .jar file with (presumably) all required files, but there is no indication (at least I couldn't find it) as to how to start the jar.

"java -jar yed.jar" is guessable, but that does not run, as it needs a main class as well to start, which is not mentioned anywhere.
in Help by (180 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The command java -jar yed.jar is exactly how you run the "Java" version yEd. You do not need to specify a main class for this command because the -jar option tells Java to extract the main class from the Java archive meta-data in the yed.jar file.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by

Indeed this works, I got confused by the other ways that you can run a java program.
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