I play an online text based game on a space based theme. You have a 20,000 sector universe and it has what are called dead ends and bubbles. A bubble is a group of sectors that only have one entrance and then spread out from there, in tunnels leading to dead ends - kind of like the branches of a tree.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best way I could represent this graphically and quickly. I have written scripts that give me all the 'tunnels' inside the bubble, and I have even saved the data in a spreadsheet, each 'tunnel' on a spreadsheet row. So, if someone could tell me how to import that spreadsheet data and make it into a graph I would really appreciate it.
Even if I couldn't do it from a data import, I can look at the spreadsheet and quickly determine the branch point sectors, so I could quickly lay out a branching tree of nodes if I knew how to do that in yEd. Of course it would be a huge help to have yEd import the spreadsheet data and set up the branches itself, and label each node with the number that was in that cell of the spreadsheet in it's correct node. 
I just downloaded this program a couple of hours ago, so I don't have the knowledge and experience with it to figure this out myself just yet. So I would really appreciate any help an experienced user(s) could give me with setting this up.