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Equivalency notion

0 votes

Is there a way or a workaround to define edges as an equivalent relationship? If not how do display, for instance, horizontally equivalent nodes in a hierarchical layout.

Currently there is a target and a source for each edges; that's ok to keep it to minimize the changes. The change could be a checkbox 'Do not treat as hierarchical' in the properties of the edge. Then the layouts have to take into account that options in order to place the nodes linked as 'equivalent' side by side in hierarchical and organic, for instance.
in Help by (250 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
For the hierarchical layout, you can use the following workaround.

1. Run the hierarchical layout as usual.
2. Manually move the nodes you consider to be equivalent roughly next to each other.
3. Run the hierarchical layout once again but this time enable option "Use Drawing As Sketch" from tab "General".

Unfortunatly, there is no similar approach for any of the other layout algorithms.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for your answer and your product
I tried your workaround; that's indeed a way to obtain that I was explaining, but since the user has to manually correct the automatic arrangement -which can be messy or has to be applied regularly when adding/changing nodes/edges- it's not very satisfactory. Or at least the user can apply the auto layout only on a selected part, to avoid loosing his manual changes.
should I post in feature section, or you think you will not implement such changes?

(I added line break in my first post since i'm no more on ie10 currently)
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