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How to visualize my xml data?

0 votes

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to open a xml file with yEd to visualise data in hirachical binary tree structure. First, when I import my xml file, it asks XSL file that I don't have! Secondly the nodes in my tree must have either 2 children or no child (Binary tree). 

Here I bring my xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<Mpeg7 xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001 .\Mpeg7-2001.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mpeg7="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001" xmlns="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001">
-<Description xsi:type="urn:ContentEntityType" xmlns:urn="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2001">
-<MultimediaContent xsi:type="urn:ImageType">
<Title>MPEG-7 description of an image</Title>
-<RelatedMaterial id="ImageFile">
-<RelatedMaterial id="PartitionSearchFile">
-<SpatialDecomposition id="BinaryPartitionTree" size="15" overlap="true" gap="false">
<StillRegion id="1"/>
<StillRegion id="2"/>
<StillRegion id="3"/>
<StillRegion id="4"/>
<StillRegion id="5"/>
<StillRegion id="6"/>
<StillRegion id="7"/>
<StillRegion id="8"/>
-<StillRegion id="9">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="1"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="Region6"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="Region8"/>
-<StillRegion id="Region10">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="2"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="Region2"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="Region3"/>
-<StillRegion id="Region11">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="3"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="Region5"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="Region7"/>
-<StillRegion id="Region12">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="4"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="1"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="10"/>
-<StillRegion id="13">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="5"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="9"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="11"/>
-<StillRegion id="14">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="6"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="4"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="12"/>
-<StillRegion id="15">
<Relation type="Significance" strength="0.000000"/>
<Relation type="MergingOrder" id="7"/>
-<SpatialDecomposition overlap="false" gap="false">
<StillRegionRef idref="13"/>
<StillRegionRef idref="14"/>


Could anyone help me to visualize my binary tree?

Thank you


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

First, the data you posted is not XML. There are lots of '-<' character sequences in your sample which are not valid in XML.

Second, even after sanitizing your sample (i.e. replacing '-<' with '<'), your data does not describe a binary tree. E.g. element <SpatialDecomposition> has 15 child elements.

Third, although yEd asks for a custom XSLT stylesheet when using the "XML+XSL" import, it does provide a couple of predefined stylesheets as well. These predefined stylesheets are available through the "XSL File for" drop down list. E.g. importing a sanitized version of your sample with the predefined stylesheet "XML-Tree" results in this diagram.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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