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Create a symbol with 2 label

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How to have 2 labels (text modification with F2 function key) when you create your own symbol ?

I created a new symbol in Inkscape and I saved my symbol in .svg in order to import my symbol in the yed section (I create 2 rectangles with 2 text label (F8 + F4 in Inkscape)

I can import easily the symbol but the text label is not editable in yed. I think i don't use the correct text label in Inscape but I would like to create a symbol with 2 text editable. Is it possible with yed ?
in Help by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd cannot edit SVG text. Create your symbol without any text, import the symbol into yEd, and use yEd's built-in text editing features instead.

After creating a node that is visualized by your custom symbol, you can add an initial text label by selecting the node and pressing F2. For additional text labels, right-click the node to open its context menu and choose "Add Label".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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