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People Icon not working in svg

0 votes
Hi guys.


  I think this is a bug... When I export an image to SVG ou SVGZ, the people icon appear with a strange line in the face. The PNG format works perfectly. I posted a screenshot to show the problem:


  I tested yed versions 3.13 and 3.14.2 and java versions 7.0_71 and 8.0_45. In all the combinations the error ocurred.

   Anybody else has this issue?
in Help by (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

This is probably a bug or rather shortcoming in the application you use to view the exported SVG.

I exported the person from your screenshot from yEd 3.14.2 on Java 8u45 and it displayed fine in
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Inkscape
- Gwenview (the KDE image viewer)
- Squiggle (the BATIK SVG viewer)
It did actually display the same black line as in your screenshot when viewed in
- GNU Emacs 23.3.1 and in
- Mozilla Firefox's file preview (but only in the preview)

For the technically inclined:
The culprit seems to be the definition for the person's face highlight <path id="svg1.face_highlight_3_" .../>. This path does not have a stroke attribute, indicating that it should be filled, but not framed. Seems like librsvg2 which is used in Emacs for displaying SVG documents and Firefox's file preview (which probably does not use full-fledged SVG support) cannot handle gradient-filled paths that are not framed.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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