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Simlane re-arranging

0 votes

I am using the swinlane in combination with BPMN.

Everything is working  fine per default.

In case of expanding a sub-process / task activity the swimlane is not expanding the rows / colums as required. The expanded sub-process does not fit naymore in the dedicated  section on the swimlane.

Execution: Layout-> Swimlane-> hierarchic

Did I misses something?

Any help is appreciated


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1 Answer

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The association of elements to swimlanes is a purely geometrical one. I.e. the hierarchic swimlane algorithm associates only those elements to a given swimlane that already lie inside that swimlane when the algorithm is started. In other words, before expanding a subprocess, you will have to manually increase the size of the swimlane such that all elements of the expaned subprocess still lie inside the visual bounds of that swimlane.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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