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How to graph node pairs with distance set between them?

0 votes
I have a spreadsheet of three columns. Nodes A and B are places. C is the distance between the places - the length that I would like the edges to be between the two nodes.

I would like to create a graph (probably an organic graph in yEd terms) that shows all the noges and all the edges between them and places the nodes at a distance from each other equal to the value of C for that pair.

How do I do this?

I can generate an organic graph specifying A and B as the nodes and C as the edge value, but it does not separate the two nodes by the distance specified in input C. So instead of the nodes being separated, they are all in a single cluster.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, there is no algorithm in yEd that spaces nodes according to your requirements. The best you can do is probably importing your spreadsheet and placing your nodes manually.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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