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yEd canvas not opening after successful install on Ubuntu 14.04

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I am trying to use yEd on Ubuntu 14.04 (Unity). My java -version : 

java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

The installation goes well (following the same kind of instructions given here : http://sharadchhetri.com/2015/04/25/install-yed-graph-editor-on-ubuntu/ )

Then I launch yEd from the desktop but only the little "Welcome to yEd" window opens
And if I try to create a new diagram or open an already existing one this "Welcome" window disapear letting me just with the yEd Graph Editor button in the launcher (like if it was running)

The canvas is not displayed also when I try to launch it from the jar file (extracted from the zip) using java -jar.

In short: the canvas is not displayed.

Is there a reason why? Not the good java version? Need to install some dependencies? I couldn't find any other topic about this issue.



in Help by

1 Answer

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Does this happen with the latest version 3.14.1? Did you have an older version of yEd installed previously? If this is the case, try removing the yEd profile directory .yEd in your home directory and start yEd once again (preferably from command line using java -jar /path/to/yed.jar to see if there are any error messages).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Ok, sorry for the inconvenience. I just figured out where the problem come from... It's linked to the fact that I am on double screen. I can see the canvas when unplugging my second screen. But it seems like it launch out of the screens when there are 2 screens.
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