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How to export the 'BPMN Request Message Icon' into EMF correctly?

0 votes

When exporting a graph into EMF (needed for Office), the BPMN Request Message icon is not correct. The desired 'envelope' (thus a rectangle with a V shape at the top) turns into a rectangle, with a diagonal line from bottom left to top right. I would like to keep the clean and crisp envelope presented within the BPMN icons.


I tired different workarounds, converting into different file formats and back to EMF. That works but the image becomes blurry. The original EMF vector graphic looks by far better and crisp.

Kind Regards, Alexander
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
BPMN message icons cannot be exported correctly to EMF due to an error in the library yEd uses for EMF export. This problem will be fixed for the next version of yEd.

Thank you very much for pointing out this shortcoming.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes

If you export your yEd graph to PDF format, you can use the free pstoedit utility (along with GhostScript) to convert it from PDF to EMF.  I've found this to be the best way to create sharp vector EMF files for use in Office.  I tested this method with the BPMN Request Message icon and observed that it shows correctly in Word, but it loses the subtle drop shadow.

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