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Cannot save files to my secondary hard drive in OSX

0 votes
Pretty much the same question - the only directories that I see are from the new HDD and downards.

Where do I find the "generic" Java dialogue and how can I amend it so that my old HDD shows up in the file save dialogue?
related to an answer for: How do I save to network location on OSX?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Click on "Save As ..." in yEd's "File" menu.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Hi again. Thanks for the reply. However, when I click the "Save As..." I only see the HDD where the OS and the program are installed, I do not see the other HDD at all.

Follow the advice from How do I save to network location on OSX?:

In this dialog, you can find your network mappings under <yourHarddriveName>/Volumes/

Hi, thanks for your patience. I found it!

Great! Happy diagramming. smiley

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